Hey, is this thing on?
Is probably one of the most common title used for a first blog post. Along with “Hello world”, it’s a interesting way to hook people into reading the first blog post a maker or developer writes. If you’re here, it’s either cause I’ve asked you to look at this shiny new thing I’ve made or you’ve been dragged in by a title slightly more interesting than “First blog post”.
Either way, I’m glad you’re here! And I hope you’ll stay long enough to take an occasional glance at my hopefully interesting posts.
What can you expect from me?
Well… I’m not sure at the moment. What is certain is that almost all of my blog posts will be small; each post will probably be a 5 minute read or less. This will be for two reasons:
- So I don’t get easily bored of writing (And trust me, it would happen)
- Being concise is important and will make sure I am getting my point across as effectively and non-waffely (It’s not a word but it should be) as possible.
Making promises about how often I will post wouldn’t be a good idea but I should hopefully be doing one post each month.
Some posts I have lined up to do will be “lessons” on real life interactions with other people (Crazy, I know. Looking at all you developers). I frame “lessons” very vaguely because I will base everything off my own experience which, in comparison to some, will be quite limited. Hopefully, I will at least bring up some points that might make you think about yourself and how you interact with other people!
Anyway, I’ve waffled on for long enough!
Look out for my next blog post: The power of learning by teaching!

William Oldham
Tech enthusiast, amatateur photographer and a guy that says random stuff on the internet sometimes