Password Managers: You should use one!

Passwords… ****

That one thing that everyone has to use but hates to remember!

In today’s day and age, it’s more important than ever to be secure with your online accounts!

However, a large proportion of people still use the same passwords for all of their different services. Or, they use a variation of the same password by adding a letter at the end (Hint: These are not more secure 🤭)

❓ So what should you do instead?

Well, it’s certainly not easy to create (and importantly, remember!) a different password for each service. Especially when the average person has around 90 (⁉️) online accounts!

What you can do, is use something called a password manager! A password manager is equivalent to a digital vault that holds all of your passwords! 🗃

Not only does it hold your passwords, but it will also randomly generate passwords for each service to ensure maximum security and then auto-fill these passwords for ease-of-use 🔑

Using a password manager means you only have to remember 1️⃣ secure password!

👨‍💻 Recommendations

There are lots of different password managers that you can use! The two I recommend are:

  • Bitwarden ( - This is a completely free option that’s good for getting into this way of living!

  • 1Password ( - This costs around £2 / month but provides an overall slicker and easier to use service.

Both of these services come with browser extensions to easily auto-fill passwords as well as mobile apps for use on the go!

Using password managers means you will no longer be scratching your head to figure out what password and username combination will work! And, I would argue, is quicker than typing it out through the use of auto-fill!

I hope you will consider looking into password managers and the benefit they can have for you!

I will endeavour to answer questions in the comments if anyone has any, this is a learning experience after all for a lot of people! 😊

William Oldham

Tech enthusiast, amatateur photographer and a guy that says random stuff on the internet sometimes